(Masters to pieces) Stücke meistern (Meister in Stücke) Public art project,Theaterplatz, Weimar, Germany, 2005 First price on the "ZeitGenosse Schiller" Competition -Art in public space, organized by Deutsches National Theater & Staatskappelle Weimar in co-operation with the Stiftung Weimarer Klassik und Kunstsammlungen and the Master of Fine Arts Programm of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. ![]() In front of the Goethe and Schiller monument at the Theaterplatz in Weimar the artist placed an approx. 9 tons heavy sandstone, which was circa 250x200x100 cm big. Based on the academic study model of a classical artwork in which the artist studies the masterpiece by copying it, the artist chiseled the stone and started copying the Goethe and Schiller statue. The process continued until the stone disintegrated into small parts. With this symbolic action, the artist seeks to free the meaning of the monument from its material and to undermine the role of such a monument while referring to the fact that the monument is being commercialised as cultural identifications element of the city. ![]() ![]() ![]() Close Window |